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Erection Fitness

The first ever natural penis enlargement program on the market. If there is a begining in natural enhancement this is represented by Erection Fitness.

It is a miracle program that is guaranteed to give you a BIG penis.
And it's not only guaranteed by the thousands of men who have used it , it's also Doctor Recommended!.

You'll notice that the program includes techniques that have worked to amazing results for many many men.

What can you get by using the Penile and Erection Fitness program?
Big penis, strong ejaculations, big hard erections, ejaculation control, new and amazing sensations during intercourse

You'll not only get a big penis , you'll also have healthy urinary tract and prostate gland. You'll know you have a healthy reproductive system when you'll get strong erections and a powerful urine flow. Using the Erection Fitness program will exercise and stimulate your penis, prostate, testicles and you'll get a healthy prostate, hard erections and a powerful urine flow.

If impotence is caused by a poor blood flow to the penis, urinary infections or prostate infections, then the Erection Fitness program can correct impotence. Yes! The Erection Fitness program will make your erections come when you want them to and last as long as you want them to.

Prostate cancer is a real threat to men. Using Erection Fitness you'll get a big strong penis and also prevent prostate cancer.

Penile Fitness will correct penile curvature. You know how a curved penis can give you trouble? How your erections are painful, you have ejaculation problems or get an irritated penis during intercourse? You can forget about it!!! Your erection will be straight and you'll be able to enjoy all the pleasures of sex.

The Erection Fitness program also greatly improves ejaculations. If your ejaculation is weak, if semen just dribbles out then you need this program. In no time it will shoot out!

The Erection Fitness program is comprised of 3 categories of exercises, and you'll be able to choose the one that best fits your size and problem.

You'll be able to see if you're performing the exercises correctly, as Erection Fitness has a huge video and photo gallery about "how it's done".

If you choose to become a member you'll also get the opportunity to ask a penis enlargement expert for advice. You can also use the members forum and exchange information with other customers.

Information is available in 5 languages, and if you become a VIP member you can also access free of charge 8 more websites.


i am 28 year.pennis length 4\' only. How to increase ?

Our answer:
Four inches in flaccid state is an average size. Anyone can add another 2 inches with exercise and supplementation. Ten inches erect is under average, but the answer is the same: a good daily penis exercise program supplemented with Grope or VigRX or both. Good luck!

my penis is curved to the leftabout one inch from the base about 90 degress there is no problems except looks it works just is 6L and 5.9 onhead .what can i do

Our answer:

there are several curvature based exercises on this site, search in the left menu.  It's also inside of penis fitness.

hi guys, before penis girth only 5"5, but now after my 1mnth exercise i found out big improvement. now i've goe 6"5.thanks 2 penile exercise

Our answer:

Thats great!  Keep it up!  Penile enlargement DOES work.  You are living proof.

reddy kumar
QUESTION: Hi doctor, Greetings! I am from Hyderabad , India aged 28 years unmarried guy. I have a problem. I am masturbating since 8 years on an average 4 times a week from the age of 21. now i feel my penis became narrow in the base and the penis size is drastically reduced,.the girth and length were reduced and even if i have erection i cant last longer. the erect penis size is only 10 cms. i am very frustated and worrying a lot on this bad masturbating habit.My penis has also been bent to the left side with the habbit of right hand masturbation. i am getting married in the coming year. Sir, i have lot of concerns on masturbation . You are contributing a lot to sexual medicine and health for humans. thatshwy i have lot of belief on you. why do doctors say that masturbation never reduces size of penis, weak erection and it is a healthy habbit. see in my case i lost penis hardness which i had before starting masturbation at the age of 21 before 7 years from now. my penis lookslike a child penis. i dont know whether i can satisfy my wife or not.. very bad. then why you doctors say that it is a safest habbit. i understand that medical society say this is a healthy habbit only to reduce AIDS in men. but how are these problems in men like what i am facing now get cured if we adopt masturbation . Doctor sir, i am not blaming you because i know ur a good doctor and trustworthy famous doctor. the medical society is creating wrong concepts in men. I am not getting rock hard erections like what I used to get when I am 21 before I started masturbating. So would be great if you can answer my concerns and suggest me the possible ways how I can getback my erectile stamina . hoping your answer at an earliest as I could not concentrate on my career and sleep properly thinking this walways. thanks a lot for your contribution to the humans once again. waiting for your answer asap. i used to masterbate by watching porn movies for atleast one hour and then ejaculate. my penis size in erected state is only 8.5 cms-9 cms.please advice me and suggest me medicine to get cured and retain my strength. Generally, I used to masturbate my penis without lubricant usually 3-4 times a week. I dont use any objects or any thing other than hand.. i used to hold the erected penis with my right hand and masterbate for atleast 30 even 1 and half hour. what my concern is that does masturbating without lubricant reduces the penile hardness is it so... and i am feeling that my penis has became narrower at the end and at sometimes, my erection goes down for 5 mts.. still now i had no sexual encounter with a female except masturbation. is all these the cause of my weak erection. suggest me how to regain my erectile stamina and last erection for atleast 30 mts... i used to masterbate 4 times a week and want to completely avoid it. i am tensed a lot.. please answer my queries at an earliest... let me know if you want any more specific information about my problem.. once again i extend my sincere thanks for you...please let my queries get answered at an earliest. ----thanks and regards, reddy28

Our answer:

Excessive masturbation can cause weakened sexual power and erections.  To strengthen your erections you need to follow a good penis exercise program and abstain from ejaculation for a while.

great site but im having trouble getting the userID,any idea why? thank you, brian

Our answer:

You must re-submit your email address first, just follow the directions on any exercise page.

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Penis Enhancement

VigRX Plusâ„¢ is doctor endorsed and rated #1 for results by clients.
Backed by a group of doctors headed by Steven Lamm, M.D.:
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Extenzeâ„¢ aims to help men increase their overall sexual confidence and enjoyment by enhancing their erection size while also improving their overall appetite for sex, orgasm quality and control.
Its all-natural formulation makes it an affordable, SAFE alternative to prescription drugs. It comes in a once-a-day formula, and each package contains 30 capsules, a one-month supply. Suitable for men aged 21 to 60+ who wish to improve their erection quality and control.

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Erection Fitness is the only enlargement exercise program that offers customers two free bonus gifts of great value absolutely free. Includes 1 month supply of VigRX Plusâ„¢ and VigRX Oilâ„¢.

More about E-Fitness

Maxodermâ„¢ - for guys who'd rather not take supplements to improve their erection quality. Featured in Playboyâ„¢, Maximâ„¢, and Men's Healthâ„¢ the product delivers a combination of nutrients directly to the penile tissues associated with orgasm and arousal via its patent-pending topical formula.

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