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How to Delay Orgasm

In this section we will cover some ways in which you prolong your love making sessions, some tips that will prevent you from having an orgasm too quickly. There are some methods which you will consider that work better for you than others.

Identifying "The Point of No Return"

The truth is that you can't exercise an orgasm delaying technique if you don't know when you are going to ejaculate, the point of no return as we call it.

To identify the point of no return you have to perform some simple exercises:

Finding your point of no return and your excitement scale. This exercise should be performed in the privacy of your bedroom, without any added stimulation, it should only be yourself.

  • You should start this exercise with a limp penis and you should begin to stroke it until it gets erect. You should take into account all the feelings you have until you get to the point of no return.

  • You should then give your levels of excitement marks between 1 and 10, 1 being the lowest excitement level and 10 being the point of no return.

  • You should try to spend at least 3 minutes at all the levels before you move to the next one.

  • Before going to another level, you must think about the facts that take you to that level, if it is the way you move, your thoughts, or something else.

  • You should take small steps to the higher levels, trying not to ejaculate because the purpose of this exercise is not to please yourself; it is to find the point of no return.

  • When you get next to the last excitement level, you should pay attention to what you are feeling. If you are very attentive, you may feel the sperm going from the testicles in the prostate at the base of the penis.

  • If you can, stop and feel everything while you take a deep breath. If it is impossible for you to stop, it means that you have passed your point of no return.

  • You must see how close you can get and then let yourself ejaculate.
Now that you know where the point of no return is, we can give you some clues of how you can postpone reaching that point during intercourse. Only now that you know the feelings that take you to the point of no return, you may start your orgasm delaying techniques.

Breathing Technique

This is one of the easiest orgasm delaying techniques but it is very powerful and effective when it is combined with other techniques.

But before going on with this technique, you have to check if you breathe the way you should. Here is how you should do that: put your hand on your abdomen and take a deep breath.

When you have that deep breath, you should feel that your abdomen fills with air and you should feel it going outward. Your shoulders shouldn't rise during this breathe.

When you are close to the point of no return on the excitement scale, meaning when you are around 8, you should take a slow deep breath and wait for your urge to ejaculate disappear. You should continue breathing like this until your excitement level gets lower.

But you must be careful not to hold your breath for too long because you may get dizzy or you may even pass out. This technique is very powerful if you combine it with the techniques that follow.

Stop Technique

When you feel that you are close to ejaculate, you should stop for a minute what you are doing, take a deep breath, and then you may continue.

When you feel that your excitement level has dropped a little, you may continue with what you were doing. But the key of making this exercise effective is to really stop and wait to cool down.

You may fear the fact that if you are with a lover you may look silly because you stop in the middle of what you are doing. But there are some ways in which you can trick her without her knowing that you have a problem.

When you need the break to cool down, you shouldn't push her away and tell her to let you alone because you need a time for yourself. You need to think of ways that won't take her out of the mood.

Scenario 1

If your lover is going down on you and you feel that you are going to have an orgasm, but you still haven't had intercourse, you may use some tricks like: You could simply say that you love what she is doing and that you don't want to come yet and just ask her to stop for a few seconds. She will surely understand.

The next thing you could do is to pull her up and kiss her passionately until you cool down and your excitation lowers. Than you can guide her back to what she was doing or you could switch places.

And one last trick that will surely please her is to tell her that it is your place and switch places. There is no woman who disagrees with that.

Scenario 2

During intercourse you feel that there is no much time until you reach the point of no return.

In this case you could stop and tell her that you don't want to come yet, pull out, and take your moment until you don't feel so excited. But if your lover is about to come too, this is not a good moment for this technique…she may not be very happy about the fact that you have ruined her moment.

Another trick would be for you to stop and change your positions, but you could only use this trick if you have been in the same position for a while and if this position is not her favorite one.

Another trick would be for you to stop and go down on her, complimenting her on the way and telling her how much you like the way she tastes.

And the last trick you could use is to pull out and start playing with the penis on her clitoris.

All of these techniques work if you put your imagination work.

Breathing and Stop Technique

  • You should start this exercise with a limp penis and you should begin to stroke it until it gets erect. You should take into account all the feelings you have until you get to the point of no return.

  • You should then give your levels of excitement marks between 1 and 10, 1 being the lowest excitement level and 10 being the point of no return.

  • You should try to spend at least 3 minutes at all the levels before you move to the next one.

  • Before going to another level, you must think about the facts that take you to that level, if it is the way you move, your thoughts, or something else.
When you reach 6 on your excitation scale you should stop and apply the technique:
  • Stop, take your hand off your penis, breathe deeply and hold for a few seconds. Then slowly let the breath out and relax as you feel you are less excited. You should then start stimulating yourself again and repeat this technique at the higher excitation levels.

  • You should then see how close you can get each time, and then let yourself ejaculate.
Squeeze Technique

This technique is just what its title says it is. You have to squeeze your penis with your hand and when you feel you are close to reaching an orgasm, you should combine this technique with the one described above.

So, here is how this technique works:

  • When you feel you are close to reaching an orgasm, you should stop, pull out, and squeeze your penis hard with your thumb and first two fingers. This squeeze should last for a few seconds and when you feel that your excitement level has lowered, you may continue with the intercourse.

  • Another way you can perform the squeeze is to squeeze your penis at the base instead of below. This can be done either with the thumb and the two fingers or with the thumb and the index finger.
You shouldn't necessarily pull out and perform these movements. You can just stop and take a deep breath and squeeze the base of the penis.

Focus Control Technique

The focus control techniques are based more on the mind than on the body. But we all know that our mind is a very powerful sex organ, which is why these techniques work great combined with the ones described above.

These techniques keep you from taking your mind off the orgasm but in the same way keeping you connected to the sexual experience.

Change your focus of goal

This is the easiest focus control technique. During intercourse, you have to avoid thinking about ejaculation and think more about other pleasant things like the way she smells, the smoothness of her skin, etc. This will make you postpone the orgasm because you will want to enjoy these moments more.

Change your focus on physical sensation

This means that during intercourse you have to think about other sensations from your body, not just what you feel in your penis. You have to focus on other things like your heartbeats, the way your hands are feeling, or the way your skin is feeling.

Change your focus on the external stimuli of your lover

There may be times when you don't reach an orgasm because of what you are feeling, but rather of what you are seeing or hearing. Maybe when you see your lover very excited, when you see her beautiful breasts moving, or when you hear her moan makes you ejaculate.

The solution to this problem is to focus your attention on something else. We don't say that you should think about the last basketball match you have seen, but you should think about other things like the fact that you love her and that you are happy to be together.

The idea of this technique is to identify what makes you come and to switch your attention from that point to another.


Very good info...tnkz

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