Penis Exercise - A how-to manual for enlarging your penis
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The Power Stretch

This technique consists, like its name implies, of stretching. If one stretches the penis on a regular basis, he helps to lengthen the suspensor ligament and the tissues of the penis which will eventually turn into penis growth.

Benefits of stretching

  • Even if it may seem hard to believe, if you squeeze and pull your penis on a regular basis, you will end up having a larger penis.
  • It is the same as muscles exercises. If you exercise your muscles on a regular basis, they will become larger.
  • The stretching exercises stretch both your penis out as well as the erectile tissue. So, they are suitable for lengthening your penis both in the erect state and in the flaccid one.
  • The penis can be grown easily by exercising it.
  • Due to exercises the blood fills the spaces in the Corpora Cavernosa and forces them to enlarge.
  • These exercises are very safe and they can be performed daily.
  • But if you want to see some results, you should perform them for at least three times a week, not less.
  • After a while you will notice that you have gained length both to your erect state and to your flaccid one.
  • If you warm up properly and if you don't overdo it, these exercises cannot harm you in any way.
  • These exercises also lengthen the skin connecting the testicles with the penis and you will notice that your testicles will hang lower and that they will also become larger.
  • Stretching exercises also have a benefic effect on testosterone and on the sperm count.
What you should remember:
  • This technique is only working on the length of your penis. It doesn't help improve the girth of the penis.
  • The stretching performed with your hands has much the same effect as the weight system.
  • While stretching you should avoid pressuring your dorsal nerve because it can be harmed.
  • If you have a very strong grip, you may cut off the circulation in the penis.
  • Don't start exercising before having a proper warm up.
  • Don't stretch your erect penis, only stretch the flaccid one.
  • If you gain an erection during the stretch, you should stop for a moment and let it withdraw. Then you may continue exercising.
  • No lubricants are needed for this exercise.
  • Actually you have to dry off your penis very well after the warm up to ensure a strong grip.
Variations of the Power Stretch Technique
This exercise was invented by Johan and it borrows from a concept known as isolated stretching.

This exercise is based on testing the “kick-back” reflex of a muscle to see how much it takes for that muscle to respond.

The stretch should be performed before this “kick-back” occurs.


  • First you should create on OK grip with the thumb up.
  • After you have made the grip, you should slowly extend to a medium stretch.
  • The next thing you should do is to start breathing in and stretching your penis.
  • While you are inhaling you should hold the stretch for two seconds.
  • Then you should release the stretch.
  • You should keep the grip while you are exhaling for two seconds.
  • The previously described movements should be performed for 5 minutes (approximately 75 times).


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Follow the routine on the erections strengthening program.

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