Penis Exercise - A how-to manual for enlarging your penis
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Recommended Daily Workouts

Before beginning any exercises program, you should evaluate what you want out of this program, and what your goals are in continuing with natural male enhancement and development.

Some men just want a big strong penis. Well, there isn't just one exercise alone that will enable this feature. Some men just do the Jelq and expect it will perform miracles to their penis.

It will make it bigger, more developed and have better circulation, but if you think it will help you perform all night long, you are wrong. A good, solid, overall routine is best for total development of your penis.

This is why in our workout routines section the beginner, intermediate, and advanced all consist of routines that develop your entire penile system. This only makes sense and this is what we recommend for all men wanting to improve their ability and function.

For start

If you are just starting out, here is a rule that will help you with our program: Do Not Overdo! You need to be very careful not to over-train your penis when engaging in exercise.

This is very important and cannot be said enough! If you keep breaking your penis down and do not allow it to re-heal, you will end up possibly even smaller than when you began.

Give it time and practice good form and technique instead of going for just massive, long periods of over-exercise. Any day you feel you are really worked and your penis seems to "shrink up" from all the previous exercise, take a full day off and regroup.

No need to be in a hurry, stay persistent and results will come in time. You should take at least one day a week off and relax. Your penis needs rest too!


  • Ten minute Hot Wrap.

  • Five minutes of practice Xtenders. Not actual stretching but trying different grips, pull times, etc.

  • Ten minutes of practice Jelqing. No More.

  • Final ten to fifteen minute Hot Wrap. At least one hundred Kegels mixed in with the Practice Jelqing and the final Hot Wrap. Then twenty to thirty Kegels spread through out the day at random times.
  • Ten minute Hot Wrap.

  • Ten to twenty minutes of Intro Xtenders. The closer you get to twenty minutes the better.

  • Consider adding about five minutes of Power Stretches into the routine.

  • Ten to thirty minutes of Jelqing,No More The closer you get to Thirty minutes the better. Consider mixing Five to Ten minutes of Power Jelqing into the routine.

  • Final ten to fifteen minute Hot Wrap.

  • At least fifty kegels during the final Hot Wrap. At least a total of seven hundred and fifty Kegels done in sets of fifty to seventy Kegels spread throughout the day at random times.

  • Random Kegels should also be used while Jelqing as needed.
Advanced Users
  • Ten minute Hot Wrap.

  • Ten to forty minutes of Length Xtenders.

  • The closer you get to forty minutes the better.

  • Mix the Power Stretch into your routine as you feel comfortable with it.

    Ten to forty minutes of Jelqing,No More.The closer you get to forty minutes the better.

  • Mix in five to ten minutes of the Power Jelq and about five to ten minutes of the Jelq and Hold as you begin to feel comfortable with the exercises.

  • Final ten to fifteen minute Hot Wrap.

  • At least fifty kegels during the final Hot Wrap.

  • At least a total of one thousand Kegels done in sets of fifty to one hundred Kegels spread throughout the day at random times.

  • Random Kegels should also be used while Jelqing as needed


instead of doing a hot wrap for 10 minutes is it ok to take a hot shower for 10 minutes

Our answer:

It's not the same thing :) Your penis is the one you need to exercise, not your body.

since quite some times I am doing this exercise to get strong penis but it is not even get up what it was before exercise so now I am very much upset. so please help me to get strong penis.

Our answer:

For how long exactly are you doing the routine? Are you following the exact steps for each exercise? Are you masturbating during the routine? Please take your time and read carrefully the instructions on this site. Just follow them correctly and results will appear sooner then you think. You can also take male enhancement supplements for faster results and gains.

please i want to register and i need a routine to increase my penis size. Thank you

Our answer:

Register and you will receive an e-mail with your unique ID to watch and follow the penis enhancement exercises.

does the size of your stomach has anything to with the size of your penis

Our answer:

Yes, it is said the more weight you lose you can uncover more than a full inch in penis size.

what is meant by kegels. Does it mean frequent erection at any time???

Our answer:

Kegels are PC flexes.  Do an internet search for "PC FLEX", or check out penis fitness.

how do u do kegals

Our answer:

Check out these links:


Ejaculatory Control and Development

Locating the PC muscle


Our answer:

It's natural with consistant penile stretching.  Try use some vitamin E oil while jelqing.

wat is kegel nd ur wrkout routine is taking 1hours daily is that overtraining

Our answer:

Yes, 1 hour for a beginning would be over training, but not for an advanced user.  A kegel outline can be found here.

u told me that 20 minutes of wrkout is enough but accoeding to ur scehedule its more hw can in di or wrkout

Our answer:

It depends on the person and how long they are advanced.  I've been doing the program for 10 years so I can do it for upwards of an hour 3 times per week, but a basic user needs only 20 minutes 5 times per week etc, until they have built up their penis tissues,

i have no extender than hw i use according to ur sechdule

Our answer:

Its ok, just follow the program.

i have a curved penis.plz give me your sugggestions

Our answer:

Here's a good routine for a curved penis.

j c
what kind of results can be expected with each level of program?

Our answer:

I think a realistic goal is about 1 full inch gain in penis size within your first dedicated year.  Keeping this in mind, anything more is a great bonus.

I must jelq and stretch doing every, or how???how often to week??

Our answer:

Follow the recommended workouts for best results.

How do i know if i'm beginner, intermediates or advance user?

Our answer:

After 3 months you are intermed. and 1 year is advanced.

on the length xtender when you stretch 3-4 times do you rest inbetween stretches & when you change directions do you need a rest or just the time it takes to massage circulation

Our answer:

Listen to your body and see what feels best.  as long as there is no pain, you should be fine doing them the way that feels best.

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Penis Enhancement

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