Penis Exercise - A how-to manual for enlarging your penis
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  • You should apply a generous amount of lubrication.

  • Standing or seated, using one hand, pull your penis pointing down gently but firmly. With the other hand, using your thumb and forefinger, proceed to "milk," that is, squeeze the blood from the base of your penis to your penis head in a milking motion.

  • Each stroke should take anywhere between 2 to 3 seconds to complete.

  • If your penis is not erect at all, there will not be enough blood in there to effectively perform these exercises. If your penis is fully erect, it will make it too hard to manipulate.

  • You should do 100 repetitions. As your penis swells, apply more force. Take it easy the first couple of weeks, then after a month you can start applying more force.

  • You should end your "Jelqing" sessions by jiggling your penis up and down about 50 times.

  • As you milk down with one hand, place your other hand firmly on the base of your penis, with your penis between your forefinger and middle finger with enough tension to pull the stretched skin back.

  • You need to be able to fully milk the entire length of your penis without the skin blocking your movement.

  • We suggest doing these exercises three times a week if you have just started. After a week or two, go to four days a week. After two more weeks, work up to five days a week.
This exercise is one of the best and most effective basic methods of enlarging your penis naturally. This technique can be used by just about anyone, regardless of whether you're young or old, for dramatic, solid gains in penis size in a relatively short amount of time. Do these exercises once a day, three to five times a week.
After a couple of weeks on these enlargement programs, the skin behind the head of your penis may start to look puffy. This is a perfectly normal part of the enlarging process. You may have to start using your other hand to help you in the milking part of the exercise.


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Hi, Im almost 19 and i only have a erect penis of about 5-5 1/2in and girth of 6.28 but im not satisfied cause my gf has seen bigger she is still a virgin but has had oral sex i want to increase mainly because i think my girth is very good can you please tell me the best exercise to increase size i've looked at them all im just not sure which is best thank you very much

Our answer:

All you have to do is join Erection Fitness online course. Their methods will increase for sure the length and girth of your penis.

i wana increase my penis size...jelqing videos

Our answer:

Subscribe and follow the outlined exercises. :)

how long before i start to see results

Our answer:

You could see results in less than a week.  Really focus on the power jelq exercise and the ballooning techniques.  Taking MSF will also help keep your penis in a more "pumped up" state. 

is this excercise reaaly funkcion????

Our answer:

yes it really does work.  Here's some more jelq information.

Jay Brian
need lots of information

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well you have it all here.  enter your email address and get started.

Anirudh K
love to watch these movies & get the proper techniques...thank u

Can't get free movies??????

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Yes, follow the directions and submit your email address.  Then check your email and subscribe, then you are sent your passcode to enter to watch the movies.

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